This Thanksgiving Let’s Appreciate More Than Just Turkey

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I can't help but reflect on why this holiday resonates so deeply with me. It's a time for gratitude, a chance to acknowledge the good in our lives and express our thanks. And this year, I find myself particularly drawn to appreciation, both as an expression of gratitude and a way to add value. 

Over the past few weeks, I've been talking with many of my clients about enhancing feedback skills. We've explored various strategies through our discussions, and I've shared some thoughts in my recent Instagram videos here and here. While honing feedback skills is crucial, I've realized something even more fundamental – the power of appreciation.

Dan Sullivan, a virtual mentor and the founder of Strategic Coach, beautifully articulates the dual meaning of appreciation. It's not just an expression of gratitude; it's also about increasing value. When we express our appreciation for someone, we do more than just say 'thank you.' We're acknowledging and elevating the value of what they bring to the table.

This insight struck a chord with me. When we focus on the good in others, when we genuinely appreciate their contributions, we don't just make them feel valued – we actually enhance their worth. Acknowledging their strengths and qualities encourages them to lean into these attributes, fostering a subtle yet profound shift toward their best selves.

As we wrap up this year and enter into a season filled with performance reviews and reflections in our organizations, I urge you to embrace this spirit of appreciation. Let's not just provide feedback; let's appreciate the inherent value in each team member. Let's recognize their contributions, their growth, and their potential.

This Thanksgiving, I encourage you to reflect on the power of appreciation. Think about how a subtle shift toward gratitude can uplift someone's spirits and how, by recognizing their value, we can help them grow and shine even brighter. By consciously shifting your perspective towards appreciation, you can not only brighten someone else's day but also contribute to a more positive, supportive, and enriching environment for everyone.

Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with warmth, joy, and abundant appreciation.

All the best,



P.S. Follow me on Instagram where I dive deeper into the power of subtle shifts and leadership.


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