Shifting Your Way to Success: A New Perspective on Change

Let's cut straight to the chase: how most of us approach change is fundamentally flawed.

We've been conditioned to idolize the grand gesture, the dramatic pivot, and the seismic shift. But here's the problem: These big, bold moves rarely work. 

Why? Because they aren't psychologically safe or sustainable. 

That's the premise of my upcoming book, Subtle Shifts, which is a game-changer for anyone feeling stuck in their personal or professional life.

The Problem with Seismic Shifts

Seismic shifts sound impressive—the stuff of Hollywood movies and motivational speeches. But the reality is far less glamorous. 

These dramatic changes are like sprinting a marathon; they aren't sustainable and can be downright dangerous. 

They violently push us out of our comfort zones, and we often scramble back to our starting point at the first sign of discomfort. 

The truth is that seismic shifts are ineffective and a recipe for burnout and many other problems.

The Power of the Subtle Shift

The changes that truly transform our lives are often the ones that go unnoticed. They're subtle and elusive but also incredibly powerful. These shifts don't demand a round of applause or a viral social media post. Instead, they ask for quiet persistence and an open heart. 

The beauty of subtle shifts lies in their accessibility; they're available to everyone at any moment if we're willing to look.

James Clear discussed something similar in his best-selling book Atomic Habits when he discussed the magic of improving just 1% daily. 

The concept of subtle shifts takes this idea a step further. These minor adjustments compound over time and have the potential to create significant change in an instant. That's right—a subtle shift can happen in the blink of an eye, completely altering our trajectory.

The Subtle Shifts Framework 

So, how do we make these elusive shifts? It's simpler than you might think. Imagine a Venn diagram with three overlapping circles: 

This Venn diagram shows you what to focus on to make subtle shifts.

  1. Shifting Attention: This is all about where we direct our focus. In a world constantly competing for our attention, shifting our attention from one thing to another can be revolutionary. It can be devastating if our attention gets stuck or locked on the wrong thing. Imagine a leader in an organization that is struggling to innovate and grow. If his attention gets stuck on obstacles, he will never see opportunities. Driven by an obsession with problem-solving, he might force his team to play an endless game of whac-a-mole where the team's energy is consumed with problems. This is how crappy cultures are born, and companies are put out to pasture. It all can be reversed with a subtle shift in attention.

  2. Shifting Assumptions: Our assumptions act as the lens through which we view the world. They are the beliefs and thinking patterns that occupy our minds and drive our behaviors. Consider the person struggling to change because she has a fixed mindset. If she assumes that talents and abilities are fixed and cannot change, she will continue to struggle. But if she can shift her assumptions—if she starts to believe that change is possible—she can develop new capabilities and find a new way forward.

  3. Shifting Actions: Our actions are the most visible manifestation of change. But remember, we're not talking about grand gestures here. We're talking about the tiny tweaks, almost imperceptible adjustments that gradually steer us in a new direction. Don't start an extensive, bold, dramatic new exercise routine to get healthier. Just start walking to the end of your street and back. Start adding a serving of vegetables to 1 meal a day. Then, next week, make another healthy lifestyle choice. Over time, small changes in our actions will produce significant and sustainable results.

Subtle Shifts Can Be Sudden!

One of the most exciting aspects of subtle shifts is their potential for immediate impact. Unlike seismic changes, which often require months or even years to take effect, a subtle shift can yield results in an instant. It's like flipping a switch in your brain; suddenly, everything looks different, and new possibilities emerge from the shadows.

Start Making Shifts Today

If you choose to shift your way to success, it's important to remember that change is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be days when the shifts feel too small to make a difference, and that's okay. 

The key is to keep moving forward, however slightly. Over time, these tiny changes will accumulate, leading you to places you never imagined possible.

So, if you're tired of the cycle of big ambitions and disappointments, it's time to try something new. Shift your way to success, one subtle step at a time.

That's it for this week. See you next Tuesday.

P.S. Follow me on LinkedIn for daily posts about subtle shifts.


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