Unlocking Focus: How to Pay Attention to Your Attention

These days cry out, as never before, for us to pay attention, so we can move through them and get our joy and pride back.

~Anne Lamott 

Today I want to show you how paying attention to your attention can help you be a better leader.

Attention is our most precious resource and as leaders we have to use it wisely.

When we get lost in the whirlwind, we lose our ability to prioritize what truly requires our focus.

We also lose sight of our goals and compromise our ability to guide others effectively.

By honing your focus, and attending to that which matters most, you’ll build a foundation of clarity and decisiveness that benefits your entire team.

Why We Lose Our Focus

The reasons we lose our focus are numerous, but it often stems from both internal and external pressures that disrupt our mental equilibrium.

In the digital age, technology is a significant external distractor, with constant notifications pulling our attention away from tasks that require deep thought and sustained attention. This onslaught of information can lead to a state of continuous partial attention, where we're never fully engaged with the activity at hand.

Internally, stress and emotional turmoil play substantial roles in diminishing our focus. When we're stressed, our minds bounce from one worry to another, making it difficult to concentrate on the present moment.

This is exacerbated by lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and inadequate exercise, all of which can impair cognitive functions and reduce our ability to stay focused.

Additionally, multitasking is often mistakenly embraced as an effective way to handle our responsibilities.

However, this approach usually results in reduced productivity and increased errors.

The brain is not truly capable of handling multiple tasks simultaneously; instead, it switches between tasks, which can drain mental energy and lead to quicker burnout.

How To Focus

The typical advice on how to regain focus is helpful but I want to suggest a new perspective.

Stop thinking about all of the things you need to do and instead, shift your attention to where you are placing your attention. This seemingly small shift can dramatically enhance your ability to concentrate and maintain clarity throughout your day.

Here are a couple of practical shifts you can consider when trying to focus your attention:

  • From Processes to People: Focus more of your attention on coaching and mentoring your team. Their growth directly impacts the overall success of your organization.

  • From Tactics to Strategy: Keep your focus on long-term goals and the broader vision. This helps in navigating through daily operations and aligning efforts with ultimate objectives.

  • From Isolation to Communication: Regularly update and engage with your team, stakeholders, and partners. Clear and open communication builds trust and aids in smooth operations.

  • From Information to Innovation: Always look for ways to innovate and improve processes. Staying open to new ideas and approaches keeps your organization competitive and adaptable.

  • From Service to Self-Care: Leaders often neglect their own well-being. Prioritizing self-care is essential to maintain your health and the energy needed to lead effectively.

As a leader, making subtle shifts in your attention can amplify your effectiveness and inspire your team.

By intentionally shifting your focus towards these critical areas, you can enhance your leadership impact and ensure your team and organization not only survive but thrive.


In today's fast-paced world, understanding how to manage and direct your attention effectively is essential for leadership success.

By recognizing where you are currently focusing your efforts and making intentional shifts towards areas that matter, you can enhance your leadership impact significantly.

So remember to shift your attention from:

  • Process to People

  • Tactics to Strategy

  • Isolation to Communication

  • Information to Innovation

  • Service to Self-Care

By shifting your attention to these critical areas, you’ll be better equipped to meet future challenges head on.

See you next Tuesday for more insights!


Making Time to Think in The Middle of a Crisis


Shifting Your Way to Success: A New Perspective on Change